Sunday 16 September 2012

Monday to Sunday {According to Instagram)

I may or may not have an addiction to Instagram. It seems I've been snap happy again this week!

So, this week I'm hopping on board the lovely Tina's 'Blog Hop' over at Tina Gray {dot} Me

WARNING - SPIDER AHEAD!!! - just for you Tina :)

I hope you had an awesome week too!!
Like my photos? Come follow me on Instagram @Aussie_Hausfrau

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  1. Thanks for blog hopping with me :) The spider freaked me out.There should have been a warning: spider ahead alert LOL

    1. LOL Tina - I'll edit and add one :)

      Or do you mean when it was originally on IG? I thought about that, didn't want to freak anyone out too much so I made it black and white ;)

  2. Yeah - I didn't like the spider either!! I want that choc coated icecream RIGHT NOW :)

    1. Hey I put a warning up!!! ;)

      Oh if you like the icecream check back tomorrow for my Wordless Wednesday! :D

  3. I am totally addicted to Instagram too. I actually had it on my husbands phone before I got my iphone coz I couldnt get it on the BlackBerry and used to take a few pics every now and then when he would let me use it, but now that I have my own iphone I take shitloads. In a month I have taken over 700 photos. Obvs not all of them have gone on to Instagram but I just love the camera on this baby!

    1. Yeah this is really only my 3rd week with Instagram! I had a personal IG account but hardly used it, but when I started my blog last month I joined up and haven't looked back!!


Go on, leave me a comment. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy! {I've removed "Anonymous Users" as I was getting waaaaaay too much stupid spammy comments!}